Tirtza's Marvelous Morning
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you into my home.
Having an extensive in both the healing arts and music it is my hope to nurture, bring healing, tranquility and peacefulness to both body and spirit.
I believe that music has the power to heal, this belief inspired me to learn to play the harp and I have been active in playing for patients at both Sharei Tzedeck and Haddasah hospitals
I have recorded three albums, Wings of the Spirit, Come Home and Filigree Fair. Over the last several years I have also toured internationally, playing for women’s groups in the United States, Canada, England, South Africa and Australia.
Professional Credentials:
~Senior Member of the American Shiatsu Association.
~Worked as a practitioner in a medical practice in Stamford Ct. and has worked in Spas in the United States, Today Tirtza has an active massage practice in Israel.
~Studied with Dr. Alexander Lowen who founded the Bioenergetic Institute in N.Y.C. Dr. Lowen was one of the seminal people in the field of Mind Body Therapies.
~Teaches therapeutic exercise classes in Israel based on Dr. Lowen's work .
For more on my music visit www.wingsofthespirit.com